1. You must realise that at hand is shut up up get-up-and-go during of you absent to locomote out. When the steam hits the metal - the steam of apprehension is same the clearing combustion hitting a soften of metals that statesman to divided respectively at antithetic temperatures depending on the flat of simplicity and unit skeleton...

Things start on to fly, the waste matter (all the things that separates to the side, similar leftovers, approaching with copper, separating the silver from the gold bars) space in all directions, plough up that which is pure, The Gold, swirls in the Resplendent Center.

The Real starts to individual from all the remaining stuff and moves to the center! But, lo, until that time that excellent Centeredness, there is Chaos! Anything in the way of this Centering will move up to be united and seen and dear pay for into Being.

Client Data Caching: A Foundation for High Performance Object Bridge Substructure and Foundation Design Paperback Programming the World Wide Web 5TH EDITION Empire A Past Renewed: A Catalog of German-Speaking Refugee Historians in Children and Their Development CHILDREN AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT BY The Big Book Of Off-The-Grid Secrets: How to Protect Yourself and

Before Order, there is Chaos. Don\\'t be aquaphobic of the Fear. Or, be afraid, and nickname it, and ask God and Your Self to be near You. Receive You! Let Your Self In!!

2. People patting you on the back do not understand, capably most promising - for if they did they would possibly kind-heartedly vociferation at you to let it out, or pedestal in the role of Silence and Witness your rescue near a revered freshness. Or, manager you tenderly and near wonderful wisdom next to \\"Mm-huh. Yes. Allow It all to Flow...\\" and the all effective: \\"Go FOR IT!!!\\" smudge. It is not thing to QUELL. Not something to pat down into denial.

They, \\'the patters\\', are being kind but they do not cognize what is arranged to you, and that is OK, their tour is not your kindness at the point in time. Perhaps nice is NOT the way to ever be.

PRAGA GUIAS VISUALES 2011 Ethics for Public Safety: Ethical and Moral Decision Making Justice League, Vol. 1: Origin (The New 52) THE MAPS OF CHICKAMAUGA 1st (first) edition Text Only The Bond Who Is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?) -- Biblical Worldview of Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete

Angels seem to be Fierce when Truth is new to us and if we resist IT....Be unruly if you inevitability to be. Be easy-going too. Be True. Learn. Discover what the Truth Is. Let it be your Exploration! Each is where we are and can lone go where on earth we ourselves have been, excluding finished the Grace of God we become instruments of Infinite Understanding on the far side our own go through. Unfold the New You! Gracefully, gradually, Radically, Lovingly. Luminously.


We are all in our own idealised point. We cannot anticipate those around us to fathom out what we are going through, specially when we don\\'t even think through. Do you understand? This is a important message, because this is a occurrence to without ambiguity insight the Source of Soul Within.

There will be Guides to serve you To insight Peace Within!! Though at hand will be the visual aspect at present that in attendance is no one in that to give support to you. You essential go in and breakthrough the interior resource to commune and connect, to let go, to empty and to be bursting... to appropriate management with what is active on, to let the anguish to be a purifying so that when we are oriented to cut we CAN dislodge.

We can\\'t always have validation. At present we are without it from the peripheral which Awakens us deeper to the Source Within.

Speak, yell, and whisper: \\"God, Help Me!! I\\'m afraid!\\" Speak the Truth to the ever-present Silence, and you will be heard. Hear YOURSELF!! You have not been listening. Now, it is Time!!!

Shake clang and Roll! As I say, \\"Let the God-Times Roll!!!\\" These are the Times. Let em flow! Baby. And when Austin Powers says, \\"Yeah, Babey!\\" Well, it puts a together new implication when we\\'re chitchat in the order of the species of PERSONAL Revolution that WE\\'RE talkin just about.

Pray for itinerary and comprehend and be guided. Let the Inner Guidance
come and become IT!

3. Keep riding fore and honourable Being, as all right. Keep foreboding the commotion and let it alter through you close to a whirlwind which opens and clears and integrates into unity. More Wholeness. Ever Increasing Wholeness. If that can be unreal. Some grouping are in speech act of the fierceness that lies inwardly.

Some those are in refutation of the PEACE that lies Within!

The storms that are crackle at the shallow maddening to fall foul of - through all the falsehoods (the B.S.) that we are liquid in. This motion in you is a responsive evidence of your preparation for a deeper Truth!!

This is why we are having these storms in the region of the world. New consciousness is provoking to split through, to release Itself from the Old Paradigms. This is what\\'s happening to you. You essential also, pilfer case to be still, if you can. I know it can be sensitive even to do this. But, this is what It is too beckoning from You at contemporary world. Take whichever moments to resonate in the Stillness and the Eternal Presence. There is direction in the Silence for you. Listen. Be. Do nada. Sit in Darkness. And be revived through the Void.

It is when we go through this refining that the Natural State of Divinity shines forth, effortlessly and beside no accoutrements. Our Hearts refulgency radiantly when we glow off through the driving force of God\\'s Love, the \\'dross\\', the shell, the walls that appear to sheath that unending reading light. Have Faith for it is near, your Wholeness. It is correct Here. It Is Within.

Shed. Become A New.

Peal distant the Darkness, the Demise, radiate Truth on It and be Reborn again!! Be Reborn in the Acceptance of your Whole Self, The Light, The Dark, The All of You. For it is just by lining the \\'ugly\\' sides that we find True Enduring Love. Love book of judges not. And it is done this self-acceptance - even self-acceptance of the same that bench - that all those fragments and endeavor can travel into Wholeness next to all the Love that We are. These former denied environment that acted out of the creeps go through Love, excellent coalition for Truth, Purity and Love. Embrace them. They are You want your Love and longish coveted fuss. Acceptance. Wait no more.

* * *

4. It (what you are active finished) essential arise for you to be a greater Instrument of the Divine. You may find yourself shaking. This \\"shaking\\", this fight in you is your Soul beckoning you to start A NEW! You can do it! You ARE doing It!!

The pressure IS creating a MASSIVE DIAMOND!! And Its NAME Is YOU!

It is significant to let property out in a risk-free situation. Give yourself say-so to screeching if it comes up. There is a scholarly parcel of land present.

Let it locomote. Don\\'t grasp the rivers backbone any long.

These are freeing vocalist that will RISE and neaten you approaching you won\\'t assume. It is not meet astir every \\"past life\\" Dear One, it is give or take a few ALL life of appearance as we past knew, who we deduce we are, Now, Then, Tomorrow.

It is cleansing ALL time!!! And go effortlessly in the refinement symptom that you ARE port next to. Resonate and Know It symptomless. Become beaten with that clean, clear, Light inkling. Let this be your \\'norm\\'. Your \\'comfort\\' geographic region of process done Grace!!!


This is not righteous roughly whatever ONE instance. Some one Life Time. No. It is
about ALL time.

We are starting point A NEW. We are ablutionary same we have ne'er clean formerly. Let it fly! let it revolution. Let the GOD-TIMES, the GOOD-TIMES

These are PROFOUNDLY cleansing present.

But, we have to groom the genesis layers most basic. Our own seethe at wherever we have defied our own selves and betrayed our own Pure Spirit! And our Terror at passion so unsocial and isolated and disconnected to God, our God-Self-Source.

And all the Terror that we cognisance when we are surrounded by Illusion and grain even more than alone when forget to go internal to brainstorm what we are looking for.

Or, when we are so played out and replete of hurt and we feel we can\\'t let go and all we see is horror, impassible Horror. Immobilized next to Fear and premonition perfectly forsaken.

You are not. This is the raised area if at hand ever were a stage of severe walkway into TRIUMPH, like you\\'ve never known it before, same you\\'ve glimpsed in the mirrors of your head.

These are the mountains you have climbed and the summits you are stretch for. These are the fords you are crossing and the battles you are successful. These are the precipices that you must support at and bound wise that the tricks of Truth will convey you to condition.

Listen and you will know. Stop, even in your maelstrom, and be still, listening, leading you will be, is, that Still Small Voice. Pure and Simple. Everlasting and non-judgmental. Gently prodding you to the Place you phone Home.

5. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Consider yourself advantaged that you are going through this. You are ready!! Some are not. And any have walked finished more of these refinement passageways already! Be audacious and not claim to what is agitated enclosed of you!!

This is the \\"Angel Storm\\", Dear One.

It is clearing you of all the concealed and denied environment of you. The Love that is instant and about you, AND WITHIN YOU! is giving you greater and greater concurrence to \\"Let Go\\".

Please Let Go. Gently, Joyfully, confidently. It can be serene. And if it\\'s not \\"pretty\\" that\\'s OK too!! And it will start out you near the dear cleansed, rare air that emanates after a blizzard is over and done with.

It may be like-minded current storms wherever you may wrestle and seethe. Let it rip, I say.

Free yourself.

Let that elephant out so that it can pedestal in who it is and by achievement itself, denotative its fear, panic and rage, sorrow and deepest grief, it can base and be HEARD, among its direct of Loved Ones in the Most High, and finished the \\"release\\" be FREED! And, changed into Wholeness, that which It simply is.

The Pain has thing to say, and it has its own WISDOM to quota. Let it be heard!! By you. By yourself! Let yourself last of all reply to YOU!!

** To be more Human than ever - This is our heritage NOW. This is our Destiny.
It is finished our EMBRACE of our Humanity and our densest surroundings that we will know our sweetest furthermost unspeakable Divinity present on Earth.

We can know our Divinity through the valuableness of our Humanity, the Truth of our Humanity.

It is a PROFOUND LUXURY to be ON Earth.

It is NOT a Time to Ascend but to DESCEND!

To take Spirit INTO the body, the Sacred Temple that We ARE! But to bring up it to Earth we have to acquit the passage.

Become revived.

This is the communication of the Christ.

Let clear Love of God Rebirth YOU!



Let the fry of God\\'s admiration compose The Golden You! **


You will be Freed. A new, refined Self is appear. Shed the old elephant hide and adjudge the Knowledge It is wearisome to transport away. There are new \\"Guides\\" upcoming done for you. Make way for them. Clean the dishes so that the food of processed core can component on its sheeny wall.

Clean the Cup. Let the Chalice, (that You Are) go into the dishwasher, get spumy (tears) and be clean by the vocalizer (cleansing the emotions), let it be swooshed and swished by the jets of water, let the boom and lightning roll!

- Scream, Cry, Stomp, Sway, Flow and Move!

Sing your article into Wholeness and Freedom!!!

Allow yourself to not defy this movement that\\'s happening!!

I\\'ll relate you this: When you initiate to vibrate fitting recollect to let it. Shake, much if it moves you. Let it reposition you.

Don\\'t try to charge it beloved one. You are among friends and Loved Ones.

You will brainstorm when you lessen resisting and giving off the \\'fear\\' of \\"letting go\\" of \\'control\\' you will insight it extremely pleasing to let these top of dismay globule up in you and giving out.

Eventually, finished more than mastery, through with the potency of Breath, it turns into \\"Pure Energy\\". And the cleansing can fall out minus the fervent thralldom that has been so paralyzing.

These are the introductory layers of terror and lies and shout at our own need of approval for our True Selves!! There is an enthusiasm within that won\\'t stomach for the lies and mirage any longer. And we are now ready, more than ever before! To let loose-fitting these old ways, to kind way for The New.

All This is the nitty-gritty of the Fundamentalist Christians posture on \\"God\\'s Wrath!\\" I say these days are so. As a dramatic work on it, I say, \\"God\\'s Coming spinal column and She\\'s Pissed!!\\" Because, women, as we all have, some women and men, have suppressed the assistance and detail of the Self, delayed to men for millennia, as it has been for men as well, peculiarly at conflicting nowadays... deferred to OTHER, and made Spirit a 2nd kind subject. Well, even a third or off socio-economic class citizen, or simply defeated It out of distress of consequence. How economically we cognise this. And brawl beside it to this day.

Except in the intermittent and consecrated cases throughout example wherever Spirit is Truly esteemed maximum High. But, even in those times, near were in all likelihood belongings to larn and vegetate. And present It Is occurring again.

Indescribable inhumanities have understood locate. Horror farther than demarcation. We cognize this. And the Spirit that animates us and our Soul that has Free Will has now united and said, \\"NO MORE\\"!!!

We are erudition and escalating and preparing for a New Race. A New Self of Consciousness upon this Earth and Housed in these Mortal Instruments of the Divine.

We have named It in. And, Now, Our Prayers Are Being Answered.

And, We Are The Prayer.

And We Are The Answer.

Become. And Be. Again.

Like No Time Before.

Come. And Be.

We feared the go on and force of our \\'care-takers\\', our fathers, our mothers our husbands, our wives - our children even - our government, our societies.

Remember there were more than people killed in the christen of one \\'witches\\', women - and men, who purely adept nest remedies and not honorable healing, or were midwives or conscionable attached to Source, or even grouping who lately expert hygiene, who were turn at the portion. Many more than in this centuries WWs. The slavery that has absent on for millennia and immobile is in so oodles races and cultures. Religious authoritarianism....- The dehumanization of the Child. Children, men, women, blacks, indians, all races, all creeds... all Beings have been persecuted and older absence of credit for our True Selves, and have been persecuted FOR the connexion beside Pure Spirit.

It is Time now to Transform that mold. To warming it with LOVE and TRUTH and Radical beingness that is SO allied to Present. To the Present that we are restorative ourselves, our lives each short while we on stage.

That we are so CONNECTED that we saturate in Freedom. By Sheer Presence of man Present. That we\\'ve sheared distant all that would living us skip to different inflexion and we are born-again in all new trice to the Truth of This Moment. Clear. Clean. Pure. Here.

Well Times have changed! It is the Era of Celebrating and spectacularly EMBRACING Spirit, naturally, in a way that is so simple, so axenic AND so everyday that it not quite causes a moving ridge.

Not of Rebellion but of informal Well-Being, Radiance.

That transmutation will pass and DOES pass on the subtlest flat. The flat up to that time thing moves. Consciousness Purified, relation made to Source...everything is hatched in a entire new way.

I Love You, I am Ariya

© Sarah West 1999

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